import; import; import java.util.Scanner; /* ** Java application that reports the gross pay for each employee for which ** data is present in a specified data file. Its main purpose is to illustrate ** the use of a Scanner object in doing "file processing", as discussed in ** Chapter 6 of the Reges & Stepp textbook. ** ** The name of the data file is provided via a command line argument (what ** jGrasp calls a "run argument"), but if no such argument is provided, a ** default name is used. ** ** The data file is assumed to be formatted such that each line/record ** contains the data pertaining to one employee, including ** ** --an employee ID (an integer, but not representing any quantity, so we ** treat it as a String), ** --a name (necessarily a single token, meaning that no spaces may appear ** in it), ** --an hourly wage (real number), ** --number of work periods recorded (integer), ** --a sequence of hours-worked values, one for each work period (double). ** ** What follows is sample data to illustrate the expected format. (The column ** headings and the surrounding box are NOT part of the data. The "#p" column ** heading means "number of work periods".) ** ** ID Name wage #p hours worked ** +-----------------------------------------------+ ** |6435 Smith 21.50 5 8.4 7.4 9.7 4.7 10.9 | ** |0375 Jones 16.0 6 8.0 7.5 8.5 2.5 9.3 8.1 | ** |4986 Thomas 15.75 3 8.4 4.6 10.3 | ** +-----------------------------------------------+ */ public class EmployeesGrossPay { private static Scanner input; /* Note: It is necessary to include the "throws" clause in the method heading ** because FileNotFoundException is a "checked" exception. */ public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException { // Establish the name of the input file. String DEFAULT_FILE_NAME = "employees.txt"; String fileName; if (args.length != 0) { // If there is a "run argument", it (args[0]) fileName = args[0]; // is taken to be the name of the input file. } else { // Otherwise, data is read from the fileName = DEFAULT_FILE_NAME; // file whose name is the default. } // Create a Scanner object that can read from the input file. input = new Scanner(new File(fileName)); // Process the records in the input file. while (input.hasNext()) { processEmployee(); } System.out.println("\nProgram terminating."); } /* Computes and reports the gross pay of a single employee. ** In doing so, it consumes the current record/line of the input data, ** which is read using the 'input' Scanner object. */ private static void processEmployee() {; // Read (but ignore) employee's ID String emplName =; // Read (and store) employee's name double hourlyWage = input.nextDouble(); // Read (and store) employee's hourly wage int numWorkPeriods = input.nextInt(); // Read (and store) employee's # work periods // Read hours worked for each work period and compute the total. double hoursWorked = 0; for (int i=1; i <= numWorkPeriods; i++) { hoursWorked = hoursWorked + input.nextDouble(); } // Having computed total hours worked, compute the employee's gross pay. double grossPay = grossPay(hourlyWage, hoursWorked); // Print the employee's name and gross pay. System.out.printf("%s: %5.2f\n", emplName, grossPay); } /* Given an employee's hours worked and hourly wage, returns the ** corresponding gross pay. */ private static double grossPay(double hours, double wage) { final double OT_HOURS_THRESHOLD = 40.0; final double OT_WAGE_RATIO = 1.5; double regularHours, overtimeHours; if (hours > OT_HOURS_THRESHOLD) { regularHours = OT_HOURS_THRESHOLD; overtimeHours = hours - OT_HOURS_THRESHOLD; } else { regularHours = hours; overtimeHours = 0; } return (regularHours + (OT_WAGE_RATIO * overtimeHours)) * wage; } }