/* BoundedCounter.java ** Abstract Java class that extends ResetableCounter. An instance of this ** class is such that its count value is restricted to lie within a range ** of integers whose lower and upper bounds are specified upon construction. ** The effect of incrementing (respectively, decrementing) a BoundedCounter ** is the same as with a ResetableCounter, except when its count value is ** equal to its upper bound (resp., lower bound). In that case, the effect ** is that caused by the abstract method incrementFromMax() (resp., ** decrementFromMin()) and thus is left to be specified by each subclass. */ public abstract class BoundedCounter extends ResetableCounter { // instance variables // ------------------ private int minVal, maxVal; // min and max allowed count values // constructors // ------------ /* Initializes this BoundedCounter so that its range of possible ** count values is min..max and its initial value is init. ** pre: min <= init <= max */ public BoundedCounter(int init, int min, int max) { super(init); minVal = min; maxVal = max; } /* Initializes this BoundedCounter so that its range of possible ** count values is min..max and its initial value is min. ** pre: min <= max */ public BoundedCounter(int min, int max) { this(min, min, max); } // observers // --------- public int minimumVal() { return minVal; } public int maximumVal() { return maxVal; } // mutators // -------- /* Increments this BoundedCounter's count value, which means applying the ** inherited version of the method except when the count value equals ** this.maximumVal(), in which case the incrementFromMax() method is applied. ** @Override */ public void increment() { if (countVal() == maxVal) { incrementFromMax(); } else { super.increment(); } } /* Decrements this BoundedCounter's count value, which means applying the ** inherited version of the method except when the count value equals ** this.minimumVal(), in which case the decrementFromMin() method is applied. ** @Override */ public void decrement() { if (countVal() == minVal) { decrementFromMin(); } else { super.decrement(); } } // mutators (abstract, and thus left for subclasses to implement) // -------- /* Takes appropriate action to increment this BoundedCounter's count value ** in the case that it currently equals maximumVal(); */ protected abstract void incrementFromMax(); /* Takes appropriate action to decrement this BoundedCounter's count value ** in the case that it currently equals minimumVal(); */ protected abstract void decrementFromMin(); }