import java.util.Scanner; /* Java application that computes an employee's gross pay, including ** overtime pay, if applicable. The computation is done in five ** (slightly) different ways (using five different methods) in order ** to illustrate the use of if-else statements. */ public class GrossPayApp { // Hours worked beyond this threshold are overtime hours private static final double OVERTIME_HOURS_THRESHOLD = 40.0; // Hourly wage during overtime hours is multiplied by this private static final double OVERTIME_WAGE_RATIO = 1.5; public static void main(String[] args) { // Establish a Scanner that reads from the keyboard. Scanner input = new Scanner(; // Prompt user to enter hours worked and read the response. System.out.print("Enter employee's # of hours worked: "); double hrsWrk = input.nextDouble(); // Prompt user to enter hourly wage and read the response. System.out.print("Enter employee's hourly wage: "); double hrlyWage = input.nextDouble(); // Compute gross pay using five different methods and report each // one's result. System.out.println("According to our five methods, " + "the employee's gross pay is"); System.out.println("grossPay1() says " + grossPay1(hrsWrk, hrlyWage)); System.out.println("grossPay2() says " + grossPay2(hrsWrk, hrlyWage)); System.out.println("grossPay3() says " + grossPay3(hrsWrk, hrlyWage)); System.out.println("grossPay4() says " + grossPay4(hrsWrk, hrlyWage)); System.out.println("grossPay5() says " + grossPay5(hrsWrk, hrlyWage)); } /* Computes (and returns) gross pay based upon the specified ** hours worked and hourly wage. */ public static double grossPay1(double hoursWorked, double hourlyWage) { double result; if (hoursWorked > OVERTIME_HOURS_THRESHOLD) { double regularHours = OVERTIME_HOURS_THRESHOLD; double overtimeHours = hoursWorked - OVERTIME_HOURS_THRESHOLD; double overtimeHourlyWage = OVERTIME_WAGE_RATIO * hourlyWage; result = regularHours * hourlyWage + overtimeHours * overtimeHourlyWage; } else { result = hoursWorked * hourlyWage; } return result; } /* (Alternative to above method) ** Computes (and returns) gross pay based upon the specified ** hours worked and hourly wage. */ public static double grossPay2(double hoursWorked, double hourlyWage) { double regularPay, overtimePay; if (hoursWorked > OVERTIME_HOURS_THRESHOLD) { regularPay = OVERTIME_HOURS_THRESHOLD * hourlyWage; double overtimeHours = hoursWorked - OVERTIME_HOURS_THRESHOLD; double overtimeHourlyWage = OVERTIME_WAGE_RATIO * hourlyWage; overtimePay = overtimeHours * overtimeHourlyWage; } else { regularPay = hoursWorked * hourlyWage; overtimePay = 0.0; } return regularPay + overtimePay; } /* (Yet another alternative to above method) ** Computes (and returns) gross pay based upon the specified ** hours worked and hourly wage. */ public static double grossPay3(double hoursWorked, double hourlyWage) { double regularHours, overtimeHours; double overtimeHourlyWage = OVERTIME_WAGE_RATIO * hourlyWage; if (hoursWorked > OVERTIME_HOURS_THRESHOLD) { regularHours = OVERTIME_HOURS_THRESHOLD; overtimeHours = hoursWorked - OVERTIME_HOURS_THRESHOLD; } else { regularHours = hoursWorked; overtimeHours = 0.0; } double regularPay = regularHours * hourlyWage; double overtimePay = overtimeHours * overtimeHourlyWage; return regularPay + overtimePay; } /* (Yet another alternative to above method) ** Computes (and returns) gross pay based upon the specified ** hours worked and hourly wage. In this version, 'regularPay' ** refers to pay at normal wage for all hours worked, and ** 'overtimePay' refers to the extra pay earned during overtime hours. */ public static double grossPay4(double hoursWorked, double hourlyWage) { double regularPay = hoursWorked * hourlyWage; double overtimePay = 0.0; if (hoursWorked > OVERTIME_HOURS_THRESHOLD) { double overtimeHours = hoursWorked - OVERTIME_HOURS_THRESHOLD; double overtimeHourlyWage = (OVERTIME_WAGE_RATIO - 1.0) * hourlyWage; overtimePay = overtimeHourlyWage * overtimeHours; } return regularPay + overtimePay; } /* (Yet another alternative to above method) ** Computes (and returns) gross pay based upon the specified ** hours worked and hourly wage. In this version, the use of ** if-else statements is hidden in the calls to the max() and min() ** methods of the java.lang.Math class. */ public static double grossPay5(double hoursWorked, double hourlyWage) { double regularHours = Math.min(hoursWorked, OVERTIME_HOURS_THRESHOLD); double overtimeHours = hoursWorked - regularHours; double overtimeWage = OVERTIME_WAGE_RATIO * hourlyWage; return (regularHours * hourlyWage) + (overtimeHours * overtimeWage); } }