import java.util.Scanner; // A Scanner object will be employed /* Java application that reads (from the keyboard) calendar dates in ** traditional format (e.g., "April 13, 1978") and converts them to ** a Year-MON-Day format like this: "1978-APR-13". ** Input data may have leading or trailing spaces, but otherwise must ** be formatted precisely, with exactly one space between the month ** name and the day number and a second space between the comma and ** the year. ** The program will repeatedly prompt the user to enter dates until ** such time as s/he enters a string containing only spaces. */ public class DateConversionApp { private static Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(; public static void main(String[] args) { String prompt = "Enter calendar date (in traditional format): "; // Prompt for, read, and trim the user's first calendar date input. String tradDateStr = getStrResponse(prompt).trim(); while (!tradDateStr.equals("")) { // Display the user's date (trimmed of leading/trailing spaces). System.out.print(tradDateStr + " translates to "); // Perform conversion to Year-MON-Day format and display the result. String dateStrYMD = tradDateToYMD(tradDateStr); System.out.println(dateStrYMD + '\n'); // Prompt for, read, and trim the next input date. tradDateStr = getStrResponse(prompt).trim(); } System.out.println("Goodbye."); } /* Provided (via the formal parameter) with a calendar date in the ** traditional format (e.g., "January 4, 2002") (with no leading or ** trailing spaces), returns the corresponding date in Year-MON-Day ** format like this: "2002-JAN-4". (MON refers to the fully-capitalized ** month abbreviation, which is taken to be the first three characters ** of the month name.) */ public static String tradDateToYMD(String tradDate) { final char SPACE = ' '; final char COMMA = ','; final char HYPHEN = '-'; // In a traditional date, the year is what follows the last space, // so find its position and extract the suffix following it. int posOfLastSpace = tradDate.lastIndexOf(SPACE); String yearStr = tradDate.substring(posOfLastSpace+1); // In a traditional date, the month name occurs at the beginning, so // its (capitalized) abbreviation is obtained by taking the prefix of // length three and applying toUpperCase(). String monthAbbrev = tradDate.substring(0,3).toUpperCase(); // In a traditional date, the day number is what falls in between // the first space and the comma, so extract that substring. int posOfFirstSpace = tradDate.indexOf(SPACE); int posOfComma = tradDate.indexOf(COMMA); String dayStr = tradDate.substring(posOfFirstSpace+1, posOfComma); // Having extracted the three substrings, it now suffices to // concatenate them, placing hyphens between the three parts, // and then to return the resulting String. return yearStr + HYPHEN + monthAbbrev + HYPHEN + dayStr; } /* Displays the prompt specified by the parameter, reads the response ** from the keyboard Scanner object, and returns that response. */ private static String getStrResponse(String prompt) { System.out.print(prompt); return keyboard.nextLine(); } }