import java.util.Scanner; /* Java application whose purpose is to test the features of the ** EightQueensBoard class. The user enters commands that either ** place onto or remove queens from the board. ** ** Author: R. McCloskey ** Date: July 2020 */ public class EightQueensBoardTester { private static final int BOARD_SIZE_DEFAULT = 8; private static Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(; private static boolean keepGoing; private static EightQueensBoard board; public static void main(String[] args) { print("Welcome to the EightQueensBoardTester program\n\n"); printHelp(); print("\nEnter size of first board: "); String numeral = keyboard.nextLine().trim(); performCommand("n " + numeral); keepGoing = true; while (keepGoing) { String command; // Prompt user until a non-empty string is entered do { print("\n>"); command = keyboard.nextLine().trim(); } while (command.length() == 0); try { performCommand(command); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(System.out); print("\n Something went wrong; try again\n"); } } System.out.println("Goodbye."); } /* Performs the specified command upon the current board. */ private static void performCommand(String command) { Scanner comScanner = new Scanner(command); String commandCode =; if (commandCode.equals("h")) { // help printHelp(); } else if (commandCode.equals("q")) { // quit keepGoing = false; } else if (commandCode.equals("n")) { // create new empty board if (comScanner.hasNext()) { int size = comScanner.nextInt(); board = new EightQueensBoard(size); } else { // create board having default size board = new EightQueensBoard(); } print("New board created:\n\n"); board.printBoard(); } else if (commandCode.equals("p")) { int row = comScanner.nextInt(); int col = comScanner.nextInt(); System.out.printf("Placing queen safely onto square (%d,%d):\n\n", row, col); board.placeQueen(row, col); board.printBoard(); } else if (commandCode.equals("pu")) { int row = comScanner.nextInt(); int col = comScanner.nextInt(); System.out.printf("Placing queen onto square (%d,%d):\n\n", row, col); board.placeQueenUnsafe(row, col); board.printBoard(); } else if (commandCode.equals("rr")) { int row = comScanner.nextInt(); System.out.printf("Removing queen from row %d:\n\n", row); board.removeQueenFromRow(row); board.printBoard(); } else if (commandCode.equals("rc")) { int col = comScanner.nextInt(); System.out.printf("Removing queen from column %d:\n\n", col); board.removeQueenFromCol(col); board.printBoard(); } else if (commandCode.equals("num")) { print(board.numQueensOnBoard() + " queens on board.\n"); } else { print("Unrecognized command; try again."); } } private static void printHelp() { print("Examples of commands:\n"); print("---------------------\n"); print("q : to quit\n"); print("h : for help!\n"); print("n : to create new board of default size\n"); print("n 5: to create new board of size 5\n"); print("p 4 3: to safely place a queen onto square (4,3)\n"); print("pu 2 4: to unsafely place a queen onto square (2,4)\n"); print("rr 5: to remove queen from row 5\n"); print("rc 0: to remove queen from column 0\n"); print("num: to ask how many queens are on the board\n"); } /* Surrogate for System.out.print() */ private static void print(String s) { System.out.print(s); } }