import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Scanner; /* An instance of this class interprets a given String as an arithmetic ** expression, returning the tokens contained in that expression one after ** the other (via the next() method). ** ** This is a very unsophisticated scanner in that it assumes that ** occurrences of tokens are separated by whitespace. */ public class ArithExprScanner implements Iterator { // class constants // --------------- private static final LeftParen LEFT_PAREN = new LeftParen(); private static final RightParen RIGHT_PAREN = new RightParen(); private static final AddOp ADD = new AddOp(); private static final SubtractOp SUBTRACT = new SubtractOp(); private static final MultiplyOp MULTIPLY = new MultiplyOp(); private static final DivideOp DIVIDE = new DivideOp(); private static final PowerOp POWER = new PowerOp(); // instance variable // ----------------- private Scanner scanner; // constructor // ----------- /* Establishes the String that is to be scanned. */ public ArithExprScanner(String expr) { scanner = new Scanner(expr); } // observer // -------- /* Reports whether any more tokens are yet to be returned. */ public boolean hasNext() { return scanner.hasNext(); } // observer/mutator // ---------------- /* Returns the next token (i.e., that following the token returned ** by the most recent call of this method, or, in case this method ** has not been called before, the first token). */ public Token next() { Token result; String elem =; if (elem.equals("(")) { result = LEFT_PAREN; } else if (elem.equals(")")) { result = RIGHT_PAREN; } else if (elem.equals("+")) { result = ADD; } else if (elem.equals("-")) { result = SUBTRACT; } else if (elem.equals("*")) { result = MULTIPLY; } else if (elem.equals("/")) { result = DIVIDE; } else if (elem.equals("^")) { result = POWER; } else if (isIntLiteral(elem)) { result = new IntLiteral(Integer.parseInt(elem)); } else { result = new UnRecognizableToken(elem); } return result; } /* Reports whether the given string is an integer literal, which is to ** say that it is composed entirely of char values in the range '0'..'9'. ** pre: s.length() != 0 */ private boolean isIntLiteral(String s) { boolean allDigits = true; int i = 0; // loop invariant: All characters in s[0..i) are digit chars. while (allDigits && i != s.length()) { char ch = s.charAt(i); allDigits = '0' <= ch && ch <= '9'; i = i+1; } return allDigits; } }