CMPS 144L Activity
Array-Based and Reference-based Representations of Double-Ended Queues

Welcome to the Deque Tester!
Enter 1 to test an array-based deque;
Enter 2 to test a Link2-based deque
> 2

q : to quit
h : for help
ps : to print size of deque
pr : to print item at rear of deque
pf : to print item at front of deque
pd : to print all items in deque
rr : to remove item from rear
rf : to remove item from front
ir x : to insert string x at rear
if x : to insert string x at front

>ir the
Inserting "the" at rear...
Contents of deque: [ the ]

>if in
Inserting "in" at front...
Contents of deque: [ in the ]

Size of deque is 2

Contents of deque: [ in the ]

>if cat
Inserting "cat" at front...
Contents of deque: [ cat in the ]

Size of deque is 3

>ir hat
Inserting "hat" at rear...
Contents of deque: [ cat in the hat ]

Front item is cat

Rear item is hat

>if A
Inserting "A" at front...
Contents of deque: [ A cat in the hat ]

Removing item at front...
Contents of deque: [ cat in the hat ]

>ir croaked
Inserting "croaked" at rear...
Contents of deque: [ cat in the hat croaked ]

Removing item at rear...
Contents of deque: [ cat in the hat ]

Removing item at front...
Contents of deque: [ in the hat ]

Removing item at front...
Contents of deque: [ the hat ]

Removing item at rear...
Contents of deque: [ the ]

Removing item at front...
Contents of deque: [ ]


A double-ended queue (deque, for short) is a linear container structure, like a stack or a queue. In a stack, insertions and removals of elements occur at the same end (referred to as the top). In a queue, insertions occur at one end (the rear) and removals at the other (the front). A deque combines these capabilities by allowing both insertions and removals to occur at either end. (By convention, we refer to the two ends of a deque using the same terms as in a queue: front and rear.)

Array-based implementations of stacks and queues were covered in lecture. In particular, the array-based implementation of a queue imagined the array as being a "wraparound" or circular structure in which location zero "follows" location N−1 (i.e., the array's last location). (See the relevant links about queues on the CMPS 144 course web page.)

Similarly, reference-based representations of stacks and queues were covered in lecture. They used instances of the Link1 class to store the elements on the stack or queue. For this activity, you are to complete two Java classes, one of which implements deques using a wraparound array-based representation and the other of which uses a reference-based representation. You will need these files:

Illustration of a Link2-based Representation of a Deque

      front                                       rear
      +---+                                       +---+
      | * |                                       | * |
      +-+-+                                       +-+-+
        |                                           |
        |                                           |
        V                                           V
     +-----+    +-----+    +-----+    +-----+    +-----+
prev | null|<---+--*  |<---+--*  |<---|--*  |<---+--*  | prev
     +-----+    +-----+    +-----+    +-----+    +-----+
item | DOG |    | CAT |    | ELK |    | BUG |    | PIG | item
     +-----+    +-----+    +-----+    +-----+    +-----+
next |  *--+--->|  *--+--->|  *--+--->|  *--+--->| null| next
     +-----+    +-----+    +-----+    +-----+    +-----+