Lab Activity: Registering in the Student File Submission/Retrieval Utility

Before you get started on the "real" work of this lab, there are a few preliminary steps to take care of. If necessary, your lab instructor will help you through these.

  1. Go to the CMPS 144L course web page
  2. Click on Student File Submission/Retrieval Utility near top of page
  3. Click on Register
  4. In the box under Enter your ID Number, type in your Royal Number, including the leading upper case 'R' and click on SUBMIT FORM.
  5. Enter a password, twice. It must be a "strong" password, meaning one that has length at least eight, includes a lower case letter, an upper case letter, a digit (0..9), and a character in none of those categories (e.g., $, #, &). It is vital that you remember your password, as you will need it throughout the semester. Then click on SUBMIT FORM.
  6. After you've registered, verify that you can log in. (Click on the Log in link and then, on the page that appears, enter your login ID and password in the two text boxes (login ID on the left, password on the right).) Note that your login ID is not your Royal Number but rather the prefix of your U of Scranton e-mail address up to but not including the @ symbol. Thus, for example, if your name were Gourdhead Rumplestiltskin, your login ID might be gourdhead.rumplestiltskin.
  7. Having registered for CMPS 144L, do the same for CMPS 144, the lecture part of the course. To do that, first go to the CMPS 144 course web page, click on Student File Submission/Retrieval System and then on the Register link. As before, enter your Royal Number and click on Submit. At this point, you should get the message Prior registration bound to this context!, which means that you have successfully registered for both the lab and lecture parts of the course and your login ID and password are the same for both.
  8. If, at any point during the semester, you wish to change your password, click on the Page link that appears at the top right of just about any web page you reach while logged in. That takes you to a page with a menu that includes an Update link. Clicking on that takes you to a page on which you can specify a new password. That new password will apply to both the CMPS 144 and 144L courses.

    If you are successful in changing your password, a message to that effect will appear on the screen. You can then click on RETURN to get back to a "regular" page.