import java.util.Scanner; /* ** CMPS 144L ** Team members: ... ** Known defects: ... */ /* Java class that has static methods by which to determine whether or ** not a given String is a well-formed (i.e., syntactically correct) FPAE ** (fully-parenthesized arithmetic expression) and to evaluate such ** an expression. ** ** To be a well-formed FPAE, a String must be either ** (1) an integer literal (e.g., "534", "3") or ** (2) of the form ( E op F ) where op is an arithmetic operator ** (i.e., one of +, -, *, or /) and both E and F are FPAE's. ** In particular, adjacent elements of the expression must be ** separated by at least one space. ** ** Expressions satisfying (1) are said to be "atomic" and those satisfying (2) ** are said to be "composite". Examples of well-formed FPAE's: ** ** "65", "( ( 3 - 7 ) * 352 )", "( ( 2 + 321 ) / ( 2 * ( 3 - ( 2 * 15 ) ) ) )" */ public class FPAE_Utils { // class constants // --------------- private static final String LEFT_PAREN = "("; private static final String RIGHT_PAREN = ")"; private static final String PLUS = "+"; private static final String MINUS = "-"; private static final String TIMES = "*"; private static final String DIVIDE = "/"; private static final String ARITH_OPS = PLUS + MINUS + TIMES + DIVIDE; // main() method (for testing purposes) // ------------------------------------ /* Prompts the user to enter an FPAE and, if it is found to be well-formed ** by the isWellFormed() method, the result of evaluating it using the ** valueOf() method is displayed. If it is found not to be well-formed, ** a message conveying that fact is displayed. This repeats until the ** user enters the empty string in response to the prompt. */ public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(; System.out.print("Enter FPAE: "); String s = keyboard.nextLine(); while (s.length() != 0) { if (!isWellFormed(s)) { System.out.println("Expression found not to be well-formed."); } else { System.out.println(valueOf(s)); } System.out.print("\nEnter FPAE: "); s = keyboard.nextLine(); } System.out.println("Goodbye."); } // public methods // -------------- /* Reports whether or not the given String describes a well-formed FPAE. ** pre: fpae has at least one non-space character in it. */ public static boolean isWellFormed(String fpae) { final int LEFT_PAREN_CODE = 0; // no need for a right paren code, as it final int OPERATOR_CODE = 1; // would never be pushed onto the stack final int OPERAND_CODE = 2; StackViaArray stack = new StackViaArray(fpae.length()); Scanner scanner = new Scanner(fpae); boolean goodSoFar = true; while (goodSoFar && scanner.hasNext()) { String token =; // ************************* // REST OF LOOP BODY MISSING // ************************* } return true; // <-- Obviously needs modification } /* Evaluates the given FPAE and returns its value. ** pre: isWellFormed(fpae) */ public static int valueOf(String fpae) { final int N = fpae.length(); StackViaArray operandStack = new StackViaArray((N+1) / 2); StackViaArray operatorStack = new StackViaArray(N / 3); Scanner scanner = new Scanner(fpae); while (scanner.hasNext()) { String token =; // ************************* // REST OF LOOP BODY MISSING // ************************* } return 0; // <-- Obviously needs modification } // private methods // --------------- /* Returns the result of applying the given operator to the given integers. ** pre: isArithOperator(operator) */ private static int applyOperator(int left, String operator, int right) { if (operator.equals(PLUS)) { return left + right; } else if (operator.equals(MINUS)) { return left - right; } else if (operator.equals(TIMES)) { return left * right; } else if (operator.equals(DIVIDE)) { return left / right; } else { return 0; } // this should be impossible!! } /* Reports whether or not the given String describes an integer literal, ** which would mean that it is a sequence of one or more digit characters ** (i.e., characters in the range '0'..'9'). */ private static boolean isIntegerLiteral(String s) { boolean result; final int N = s.length(); if (N == 0) { result = false; } else { int i = 0; // loop invariant: Every character in s[0..i) is a digit while (i != N && Character.isDigit(s.charAt(i))) { i = i+1; } // assertion: i==N implies that every character in s[0..N) is a digit, // while i!=N implies that s[i] is not a digit result = i == N; } return result; } /* Reports whether or not the given String describes an arithmetic operator, ** which would mean that it has length one and its lone character is one of ** the arithmetic operators. */ private static boolean isArithOperator(String s) { return s.length() == 1 && ARITH_OPS.indexOf(s) != -1; } /* Reports whether or not the given String describes a left parenthesis, ** which would mean that it is equal to LEFT_PAREN declared above. */ private static boolean isLeftParen(String s) { return s.equals(LEFT_PAREN); } /* Reports whether or not the given String describes a right parenthesis, ** which would mean that it is equal to RIGHT_PAREN declared above. */ private static boolean isRightParen(String s) { return s.equals(RIGHT_PAREN); } }