CMPS 144L Spring 2019
Lab #8 (Week of March 25)
Reference-based Deque

Activity #1: Reference-based Deque

A deque (which is derived from "doubled-ended queue") is a linear container structure, like a stack or a queue. In a stack, insertions and removals of elements occur at the same end (referred to as the top). In a queue, insertions occur at one end (the rear) and removals at the other (the front). A deque combines these capabilities by allowing both insertions and removals to occur at either end. (By convention, we refer to the two ends of a deque using the same terms as in a queue: front and rear.)

Reference-based implementations of stacks and queues were covered in lecture, using the Link1 utility class. (See the relevant links on the CMPS 144 course web page.)

For this activity, you are to complete a reference-based implementation of deques. You will need these files:

Welcome to the Deque Tester!

q : to quit
h : for help
ps : to print size of deque
pr : to print item at rear of deque
pf : to print item at front of deque
pd : to print all items in deque
rr : to remove item from rear
rf : to remove item from front
ir x : to insert string x at rear
if x : to insert string x at front

>ir the
Inserting "the" at rear...
Deque is now: [ the ]

>if in
Inserting "in" at front...
Deque is now: [ in the ]

Size of deque is 2

>if cat
Inserting "cat" at front...
Deque is now: [ cat in the ]

>ir hat
Inserting "hat" at rear...
Deque is now: [ cat in the hat ]

Front item is cat

Rear item is hat

Removing item at rear...
Deque is now: [ cat in the ]

Removing item at front...
Deque is now: [ in the ]

Removing item at front...
Deque is now: [ the ]

>ir junk
Inserting "junk" at rear...
Deque is now: [ the junk ]

Removing item at rear...
Deque is now: [ the ]

Removing item at front...
Deque is now: [ ]

>if cow
Inserting "cow" at front...
Deque is now: [ cow ]


Activity #2: Getting Rid of front

Interestingly, the DequeViaLink1 class doesn't really need the instance variable front! In this activity, you are to develop a new class, DequeViaLink1NoFront, which from a client's point of view behaves exactly the same as DequeViaLink1.

Start by copying into, as the source code in the latter will be a relatively modest modification of that in the former.

The "trick" to making this work is for the linked structure formed by the Link1 nodes to be circular rather than grounded. Specifically, we make it so that the next field of the node corresponding to the rear of the deque points to the node corresonding to the front of the deque. (In the diagram above, that would mean that the ELK node's next field would point to the DOG node, rather than having value null.)

Essentially, if not quite literally, anywhere that front is used in the original class, you can replace it by

To test your work, you can use the same tester program as you did in Activity #1. However, you need to make a small, but obvious, modification to the main() method.