CMPS 144L Spring 2020
Lab #6: Queue Application; AryListViaLink1 Implementation

Activity #1

Your instructor will give you a hard copy of this, in which is described a directed graph. Apply the distancesFrom() method to that graph and show the resulting dist[] array. Also show the history of the queue. As discussed in lecture, this method is a solution to the Single-source Uniform-cost Shortest Paths Problem, which asks, with respect to a given directed graph and a specified "source" vertex in that graph, for the distances from that vertex to all (reachable) vertices in the graph. (The distance from a vertex u to a vertex v is the length of any shortest path from u to v.)

Return the paper to your instructor upon completing the task.

Activity #2

Click here for instructions.

As usual, submit your completed work (the file) into the appropriate folder (here, lab06_dir). Make sure to include, within the comments of the class, the names of all your team members. After you submit, verify that you have submitted correctly by trying to download from the folder the file that you (think you have) submitted.