import java.util.Scanner; import; import; /* Java application for the purpose of testing the class DFA, its ** parent DFA_Semi, and DFA_Utils. ** ** Author: R. McCloskey ** Date: April 2022 */ public class DFA_Tester { private static Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(; private static final int QUIT = 0; private static final int DISPLAY = 1; private static final int DELTA_STAR = 2; private static final int ACCEPTS = 3; private static final int HAS_MEMBER_PREFIX = 4; private static final int IS_SUFFIX_OF_MEMBER= 5; private static final int IS_SUBSTRING_OF_MEMBER= 6; private static final int LIVE_STATES = 7; /* The command line argument is assumed to hold the name of a file ** containing a textual description of an DFA (in a format consistent ** with that expected by the DFA_IO class). */ public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException { if (args.length == 0) { System.out.println("** Error; expecting command-line argument to " + "provide name of input file"); System.out.println("** Program aborting."); System.exit(1); } Scanner dfaInput = new Scanner(new File(args[0])); DFA dfa =; System.out.println("This DFA has been loaded:"); System.out.println("-------------------------"); dfa.print(); boolean keepGoing = true; while (keepGoing) { printMenu(); int choice = getInt(); //debugging: //System.out.println("getInt() returned " + choice); if (choice == QUIT) { keepGoing = false; } else if (choice == DISPLAY) { dfa.print(); } else if (choice == DELTA_STAR) { test_deltaStar(dfa); } else if (ACCEPTS <= choice && choice <= IS_SUBSTRING_OF_MEMBER) { testString(dfa, choice); } else if (choice == LIVE_STATES) { System.out.printf("Live states are %s\n", dfa.liveStates()); } else { System.out.println("Invalid response"); } } System.out.println("\nGoodbye."); } private static int getInt() { int result; String response = keyboard.nextLine().trim(); try { result = Integer.parseInt(response); } catch (Exception e) { result = -9; System.out.println("Invalid response; treating as -9"); } return result; } private static void printMenu() { System.out.println(); System.out.println(QUIT + ": Quit"); System.out.println(DISPLAY + ": Display DFA"); System.out.println(DELTA_STAR + ": Test deltaStar() in DFA_Semi"); System.out.println(ACCEPTS + ": Test accepts() in DFA"); System.out.println(HAS_MEMBER_PREFIX + ": Test hasMemberPrefix() in DFA_Utils"); System.out.println(IS_SUFFIX_OF_MEMBER + ": Test isSuffixOfMember() in DFA_Utils"); System.out.println(IS_SUBSTRING_OF_MEMBER + ": Test isSubstringOfMember() in DFA_Utils"); System.out.println(LIVE_STATES + ": Test liveStates() in DFA"); System.out.print(">"); } public static void test_deltaStar(DFA dfa) { boolean keepGoing = true; while (keepGoing) { System.out.print("\nEnter state ID (-1 to quit, -2 to display DFA): "); int q = getInt(); //keyboard.nextLine(); if (q == -2) { dfa.print(); } else if (q == -1) { keepGoing = false; } else if (q < dfa.numberOfStates()) { System.out.print("Enter input string: "); String str = keyboard.nextLine().trim(); int[] x = toIntArray(str, dfa.alphabetSize()-1); if (x != null) { int reachedState = dfa.deltaStar(q,x); System.out.printf("delta*(%d,%s) = %d\n", q, str, reachedState); } } else { System.out.print("ERROR: Invalid input"); } } } private static void testString(DFA dfa, int whichTest) { boolean keepGoing = true; while (keepGoing) { System.out.print("\nEnter input string (X to quit, Y to display DFA): "); String str = keyboard.nextLine().trim(); int strLen = str.length(); if (strLen != 0 && str.charAt(0) == 'X') { keepGoing = false; } else if (strLen != 0 && str.charAt(0) == 'Y') { dfa.print(); } else { int[] x = toIntArray(str, dfa.alphabetSize()-1); if (x != null) { System.out.print(str); if (whichTest == ACCEPTS) { if (dfa.accepts(x)) { System.out.print(" IS "); } else { System.out.print(" is NOT "); } System.out.println("accepted."); } else if (whichTest == HAS_MEMBER_PREFIX) { if (DFA_Utils.hasMemberPrefix(dfa, x)) { System.out.print(" has "); } else { System.out.print(" does not have "); } System.out.println("a prefix that is a member."); } else if (whichTest == IS_SUFFIX_OF_MEMBER) { if (DFA_Utils.isSuffixOfMember(dfa, x)) { System.out.print(" is the suffix of some member."); } else { System.out.print(" is not the suffix of any member."); } } else if (whichTest == IS_SUBSTRING_OF_MEMBER) { if (DFA_Utils.isSubstringOfMember(dfa, x)) { System.out.print(" is the substring of some member."); } else { System.out.print(" is not the substring of any member."); } } else { System.out.println("Invalid choice"); } } } } } /* Given a String of symbol IDs, returns a corresponding int[] array ** each of whose elements is a single ID. (Of course, this means that ** the max ID is less than 10.) If any of the characters in the string ** is not a valid symbol ID, null is returned. */ private static int[] toIntArray(String s, int maxID) { int[] result = new int[s.length()]; boolean goodSoFar = true; int i = 0; while (i != result.length && goodSoFar) { result[i] = s.charAt(i) - '0'; if (result[i] < 0 || result[i] > maxID) { goodSoFar = false; System.out.println("** WARNING; invalid input string **"); } i = i+1; } if (goodSoFar) { return result; } else { return null; } } }