import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.Random; import; import; /* ** Java application that, making use of several classes that together ** provide an implementation of regular expressions, responds to commands ** entered by a user who, after entering a regular expression, wishes to ** obtain information about the language that it represents. Specifically, ** this application reports whether that language is empty vs. nonempty, ** finite vs. infinite, the length of the shortest member(s), the length of ** the longest member(s) (if finite), and whether a specified string is a ** member. There is also a command by which the user can request that a ** "random" member of the language be generated. */ public class RegExprApp { private static char PAD = '|'; private static char QUIT = 'q'; private static char HELP = 'h'; private static char NEW_REXPR = 'n'; private static char DISPLAY_REXPR = 'd'; private static char PRINT_STATS = 's'; private static char GENERATE_RANDOM = 'g'; private static char MEMBERSHIP_TEST = 'm'; private static char REVERSE = 'r'; private static String NO_EXPR = "There is no current regular expression."; private static Scanner input; private static boolean echo; private static Random rand = new Random(); public static void main(String[] args) { input = getScanner(args); RegularExpression regExpr = null; boolean keepGoing = true; printHelp(); do { String commandLine = getString("\n> "); char command = Character.toLowerCase(commandLine.charAt(0)); String commandArg; //if (commandLine.length() > 1) // { commandArg = commandLine.substring(1).trim(); // } //else // { commandArg = ""; } if (command == QUIT) { keepGoing = false; } else if (command == HELP) { printHelp(); } else if (command == NEW_REXPR) { String rexprStr; if (commandArg.length() == 0) { rexprStr = getString("Enter regular expression: "); } else { rexprStr = commandArg; } if (!RegExprBuilder.isValid(rexprStr)) { System.out.println("Invalid syntax"); } else { regExpr = RegExprBuilder.parse(rexprStr); System.out.printf("New regular expression is %s\n", regExpr); } } else if (command == DISPLAY_REXPR) { if (regExpr == null) { System.out.println(NO_EXPR); } else { System.out.println(regExpr); } } else if (command == PRINT_STATS) { if (regExpr == null) { System.out.println(NO_EXPR); } else { printStats(regExpr); } } else if (command == GENERATE_RANDOM) { if (regExpr == null) { System.out.println(NO_EXPR); } else { Random rdm; if (commandArg.length() == 0) // use "resident" Random object { rdm = rand; } else // command argument used as seed for Random object { rdm = new Random(Integer.parseInt(commandArg)); } System.out.printf("Random member: %c%s%c\n", PAD, regExpr.randomMember(rdm), PAD); } } else if (command == MEMBERSHIP_TEST) { if (regExpr == null) { System.out.println(NO_EXPR); } else { String answer = regExpr.isMember(commandArg) ? "" : "NOT "; System.out.printf("The string %c%s%c is %sa member.\n", PAD, commandArg, PAD, answer); } } else if (command == REVERSE) { if (regExpr == null) { System.out.println(NO_EXPR); } else { RegularExpression reversal = regExpr.reverse(); System.out.printf("Reverse is %s\n", reversal); } } else { System.out.println("Unrecognized command; enter 'h' for help"); } } while (keepGoing); System.out.println("Goodbye."); } private static void printHelp() { System.out.println("Commands:"); System.out.println("---------"); int padLen = 3; printCommand(QUIT + ": to quit.", padLen); printCommand(HELP + ": for this list.", padLen); printCommand(NEW_REXPR + " : " + "to establish a new regular expression.", padLen); printCommand("Example: " + NEW_REXPR + " aba.(ba)* + bba", padLen+2); printCommand(DISPLAY_REXPR + ": to display the current regular expression", padLen); printCommand(MEMBERSHIP_TEST + " :" + " to test string for membership", padLen); printCommand("Example: " + MEMBERSHIP_TEST + " bbabaab", padLen+2); printCommand(PRINT_STATS + ": to display stats about the " + "current regular expression.", padLen); printCommand(GENERATE_RANDOM + " [seed]: to display a random member " + "of the language.", padLen); printCommand(REVERSE + ": to display reverse of current rexpr.", padLen); } private static void printCommand(String s, int padLength) { for (int i=0; i != padLength; i++) { System.out.print(' '); } System.out.println(s); } private static void printStats(RegularExpression r) { System.out.printf("Image: %s\n", r.toString()); if (r.isEmpty()) { System.out.println("Has no members."); } else { System.out.printf("Shortest member has length %d\n", r.minLength()); if (r.isFinite()) { System.out.printf("Longest member has length %d\n", r.maxLength()); } else { System.out.println("Has infinitely many members."); } //System.out.printf("Random member: %s\n", r.randomMember(rand)); } } /* Displays the given prompt and returns the next line of input, ** unless it is empty, in which case it repeats. */ private static String getString(String prompt) { String response = ""; boolean keepGoing = true; do { System.out.print(prompt); response = input.nextLine().trim(); if (echo) { System.out.println(response); } if (response.length() == 0) { System.out.println("Only whitespace entered; try again..."); } else { keepGoing = false; } } while (keepGoing); return response; } /* Returns a new Scanner attached to either or to a file, ** the former if the given array has length zero and the latter if not. ** In the latter case, the file in question is that named by args[0]. */ private static Scanner getScanner(String[] args) { Scanner result; if (args.length == 0) { echo = false; result = new Scanner(; } else { try { echo = true; result = new Scanner(new File(args[0])); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { result = null; System.out.printf("File %s not found; aborting execution.\n", args[0]); System.exit(0); } } return result; } }