SE 500 Mathematics for Software Engineering
Fall 2022
HW #7: Proofs involving Quantification
Due: 3pm, Friday, November 4

The problems in this homework call for the use of the theorems in Chapter 8 of Gries and Schneider. In particular, Theorem (8.24) will be useful in several problems for the purpose of rewriting the range of a quantification.

Essentially, what (8.24) says is that if b≤c≤d, then we can split up the range [b..d) into two ranges: [b..c) and [c..d). In other words, if b≤c≤d, the expression b≤i<d is equivalent to b≤i<c ∨ c≤i<d.

In Problems 1 and 2, assume that is an associative and symmetric binary operator having an identity element. In Problems 4 and 5, f is a function of type ℕ×ℕ→ℕ. In Problem 6, g is a function of type ℕ→ℕ.

1. Prove
(a) (★i | 0≤i<9 : P) = (★i | 0≤i<5 : P) ★ (★i | 5≤i<9 : P)
(b) (★i | 0≤i<9 : P) = (★i | 0≤i<5 : P) ★ P[i:=5] ★ (★i | 6≤i<9 : P)

2. Prove (★i | 0≤i<11 : P) ★ (★i | 0≤i<5 : Q) = (★i | 0≤i<5 : P★Q) ★ (★i | 5≤i<11 : P)

3. Prove (∨i | 0≤i<10 : P) = (∨i | 0≤i≤6 : P) ∨ (∨i | 4≤i<10 : P)

Hint: Make use of one of the properties of disjunction (i.e., ∨).

4. Prove   (+i | 0≤i<n : (+j | 0≤j<m : f.i.j))  =  (+k | 0≤k<m : (+i | 0≤i<n : f.i.k))

5. Prove   (+i,j | 0≤i≤j<n : f.i.j)  =  (+i | 0≤i<n : (+j | i≤j<n : f.i.j))

Keep in mind that the expression a≤b≤c is an abbreviation for the conjunction a≤b ∧ b≤c and that, by transitivity of , a≤c is a consequence of that conjunction, so that the original expression is (by Theorem (3.60)) equivalent to  a≤b ∧ b≤c ∧ a≤c.

6. Prove   (∧i,j | 0≤i≤j≤n : g.i ≥ g.j) = (∧i,j | 0≤i<j≤n : g.i ≥ g.j)

Hint: Recall that is reflexive, which is to say that x ≥ x is true for all x.

7. Use (8.17) (the second Range Split axiom) to prove this classic theorem regarding sets:

|S ∪ T| = |S| + |T| - |S ∩ T|

Using the ("is member of") predicate, we can express |S| (the cardinality of S) by the quantification

(+x | x ∈ S : 1)

Also, we observe the following relationships between set union and disjunction and between set intersection and conjunction:

x ∈ S ∪ T  ≡  x ∈ S ∨ x ∈ T

x ∈ S ∩ T  ≡  x ∈ S ∧ x ∈ T