SE 504
Proving the Correctness of a skip-program

The Hoare Triple law for the skip command says

{P} skip {Q}   ≡   [P Q]

Thus, to show {P} skip {Q}, it suffices to complete a proof of P Q.

Example: Prove { x > y } skip { x ≥ y ∨ z < y }.

Solution: Taking P to be x > y and Q to be x ≥ y ∨ z < y, it suffices (by the Hoare Triple law for skip) to complete a proof of P Q:

Assume P (i.e., x > y).

  =     < defn of Q >

     x ≥ y  ∨  z < y

  =     < defn of ≥  >

     (x > y ∨ x=y)  ∨  z < y

  =     < assumption P (i.e., x > y) >

     (true ∨ x=y)  ∨  z < y

  =     < symmetry of ∨ (Gries 3.24) >

     (x=y ∨ true)  ∨  z < y

  =     < zero of ∨ (Gries 3.29) >

     true  ∨  z < y

  =     < symmetry of ∨ (Gries 3.24) >

     z < y  ∨  true

  =     < zero of ∨ (Gries 3.29) >


Our proof was given in quite gory detail. Usually, we can omit explicit mention of the use of (Gries 3.24), for example. Also, we could have appealed to the assumption x>y as a justification for replacing (the weaker) x≥y by true directly, without first rewriting the latter as x>y ∨ x=y and then using the assumption. A more concise proof would have been:

Assume P (i.e., x > y).

  =     < defn of Q >

     x ≥ y  ∨  z < y

  =     < x ≥ y follows from assumption P (i.e., x > y) >

     true ∨ z < y

  =     < zero of ∨ (Gries 3.29) >


Now suppose that we use the wp-approach instead of the Hoare Triple approach. The relationship between wp and Hoare Triples is

{P} S {Q}   ≡   [P wp.S.Q]

Hence, to prove {P} skip {Q} we show the equivalent [P wp.skip.Q]. The usual approach is to assume the antecedant and to show the consequent:

Assume P (i.e., x > y).

  =     < defn of Q >

     wp.skip.(x ≥ y  ∨  z < y)

  =     < wp skip rule, which says [wp.skip.Q  ≡  Q] >

     x ≥ y  ∨  z < y

  =     ... continue as in proof above

As we have arrived at the second line of the earlier proof, we simply continue as we did there.