SE 504 Formal Methods and Models
Spring 2020
HW #6: Maximum Segment Sum Revisited and Array Element Assignment
Due: 4pm, Friday, March 13

1. Modify the program developed in class for the Maximum Segment Sum problem (see the relevant web page) so that, in addition to the variable z, there are two other "output" variables, left and right, which (when the program completes execution) satisfy the condition that A[left..right) is a segment with the maximum sum.

It is important not only to modify the program correctly but also to modify the postcondition and loop invariant properly, i.e., so that items (i) and (ii) on the loop checklist are provable. Obviously, both the postcondition and loop invariant need to mention S.left.right (i.e., the sum of the elements in array segment A[left..right)). Solutions that include a proof of (ii) will be looked upon favorably relative to those that don't.

It may make your task easier if you consider that the assignment commands y := (y + A.r) max 0 and z := z max y that appear in our Maximum Segment Sum solution are equivalent to selection commands as indicated here:

Assignment CommandEquivalent Selection Command
y := (y + A.r) max 0 if y + A.r ≥ 0 ⟶ y := y + A.r
[] y + A.r ≤ 0 ⟶ y := 0
z := z max y if z ≥ y ⟶ skip
[] z ≤ y ⟶ z := y

For a few bonus points, have your program ensure that A[left..right) is a shortest segment with the maximum sum. In other words, any segment having shorter length must also have a smaller sum. Of course, this additional requirement calls for an additional conjunct to appear in both the postcondition and loop invariant.

2. Calculate (and simplify as much as possible).
(a) wp.(b.k := j).(b.j ≠ b.k)
(b) wp.(b.(b.k) := b.j).(b.j = b.k)

3. Prove the correctness of the following program, which sorts an array. (Do you recognize which sorting algorithm it is based upon?) Because it is obvious that items (iii), (iv), and (v) on the loop checklist are satisfied, all you need to show are items (i) and (ii). (Regarding (ii), all you need to consider is the line of code that swaps two array elements, as is explained below.)

|[ con N : int  { N≥0 }
   ;var b : array[0..N) of T  { b=B }
   ;var k, m : int

   ;k := 0
   {I: inOrder(b,0,k) ∧ boundary(b,k) ∧ 0≤k≤N ∧ perm(b,B)}
   {t: N-k}
   do k ≠ N ⟶ 
      {I ∧ k≠N}
      m := locOfMin(b,k,N);
      {I ∧ k≠N ∧ k≤m<N ∧ (∀j | k≤j<N : b.m ≤ b.j) }
      ;k := k+1
   {Q: inOrder(b,0,N) ∧ perm(b,B)}
inOrder(f,p,q) : (∀i,j | p≤i≤j<q : f.i ≤ f.j)
boundary(f,p) : (∀i,j | 0≤i<p ∧ p≤j<#f : f.i ≤ f.j)
perm(f,g) : arrays f and g are permutations of one another


  1. The more traditional notation for function application is being used here (e.g., inOrder(f,p,q)) so that there is no chance that you will confuse inOrder.f.p.q (which says to apply inOrder to the three arguments f, p, and q) with inOrder.(f.p).q (which says to apply inOrder to the two arguments f.p and q.
  2. The loop body is annotated with "intermediate assertions"; all that you must show in order to prove (ii) on the loop checklist is the Hoare Triple involving the command that calls the swap() subprogram, the precondition of which reflects the fact that the value returned by the call locOfMin(b,k,N) is a location containing the minimum value within b[k..N).

    The command swap(a,i,j) is, in effect, the assignment a := a(i,j : a.j,a.i) and therefore (in accord with the wp assignment law) has the following semantics:

    wp.(swap(a,i,j).Q = Q(a := a(i,j : a.j,a.i))

    where (provided that i=j implies E=F)

    a(i,j : E,F).r  = { E if i=r
    F if j=r
    a.r otherwise

    Using the if function, this can be written as follows:

    a(i,j : E,F).r  =  if(i=r, E, if(j=r, F, a.r))
  3. In carrying out the proof, you will need to refer to the array b(k,m : b.m,b.k) several times. Rather than writing out that entire expression each time, give it a shorter name, such as b', state its relevant properties, and then use those properties when appropriate. Which properties? Well, b'.k = b.m, b'.m = b.k, and, for all j equal to neither k nor m, b'.j = b.j.

    Thus, if b'.i occurs within a quantification in which i is a dummy that varies over a range that includes neither k nor m, you can cite the Irrelevant Array Element Axiom to justify replacing that occurrence of b'.i by b.i.

  4. By virtue of the fact that every change made to array b[] is to swap two of its elements, the condition perm(b,B) is clearly an invariant of the program. Hence, do not bother to prove it. Nor will assuming it aid in proving any other conjunct of the loop invariant. Hence, you can just ignore it altogether.