Largest split-sum of 0 not exceeding 0 is 0 Largest split-sum of 0 not exceeding 1 is 0 Largest split-sum of 1 not exceeding 1 is 1 Largest split-sum of 1 not exceeding 0 does not exist Largest split-sum of 158452 not exceeding 485 is 475 Largest split-sum of 526384523 not exceeding 950548 is 638507 Largest split-sum of 526384523 not exceeding 638507 is 638507 Largest split-sum of 526384523 not exceeding 638508 is 638507 Largest split-sum of 526384523 not exceeding 638506 is 638462 Largest split-sum of 4752 not exceeding 95 is 81 Largest split-sum of 4752 not exceeding 12 does not exist Largest split-sum of 50872 not exceeding 987 is 922 Largest split-sum of 50872 not exceeding 213 is 139 Largest split-sum of 9999999 not exceeding 999999 is 100098 Largest split-sum of 25 not exceeding 8 is 7 Largest split-sum of 7482653 not exceeding 5471 is 4886 Largest split-sum of 854712 not exceeding 35 is 27 Largest split-sum of 483119 not exceeding 82416 is 48320 Largest split-sum of 7484 not exceeding 11983 is 7484 Largest split-sum of 11983 not exceeding 7484 is 1984 Largest split-sum of 77 not exceeding 66 is 14 Largest split-sum of 8675309 not exceeding 1800 is 1406 Largest split-sum of 2600 not exceeding 1337 is 602