Binary Tree Traversals

Suppose that each node of a binary tree T has a label (i.e., name). We define the In-Order listing of T to be that produced by the following recursive procedure:

procedure In-Order( T : Binary_Tree ) is
   if T is empty then
      do nothing;
      In-Order( left subtree of T );
      print the label of the root of T;
      In-Order( right subtree of T );
   end if;
end In-Order;

By "left subtree of T" we mean the subtree of T rooted at the left child of the root of T. (If the root of T has no left child, then this subtree is empty.) Of course, "right subtree of T" is similar. We define the Post-Order listing of T to be that produced by the following recursive procedure:

procedure Post-Order( T : Binary_Tree ) is
   if T is empty then
      do nothing;
      Post-Order( left subtree of T );
      Post-Order( right subtree of T );
      print the label of the root of T;
   end if;
end Post-Order;

Finally, we define the Pre-Order listing of T to be that produced by the following recursive procedure:

procedure Pre-Order( T : Binary_Tree ) is
   if T is empty then
      do nothing;
      print the label of the root of T;
      Pre-Order( left subtree of T );
      Pre-Order( right subtree of T );
   end if;
end Pre-Order;

The three kinds of listings are produced by nearly identical algorithms. The only difference among them is the choice of when to print the label of the root relative to when the labels in the left and right subtrees are printed.

Interestingly, if you know two of the three listings of some binary tree, then you can determine the third one. You are to develop a program that, given the In-Order and Post-Order listings of a binary tree, is able to determine its Pre-Order listing.

The input will be a sequence of binary trees each of whose nodes is labeled by an upper case letter. Each tree will be described on three lines. The first line will be a positive integer indicating the number of nodes in the tree. This number will be no more than 26. The second line will contain the tree's In-Order listing. The third will contain its Post-Order listing.

For each binary tree given as input, the program should produce a single line of output containing that tree's Pre-Order listing.

Sample Input


Sample Output